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  • Terry, N. P. (2014). Dialect variation and phonological knowledge: Phonological representations and metalinguistic awareness among beginning readers who speak nonmainstream American English. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35(1), 155-176.
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  • Zhang, Dongbo. (2012). Vocabulary and grammar knowledge in second language reading comprehension: A structural equation modeling study. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 558-575.
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  • Kangas, Sara E. N., & Goss, J. (2012). Why do English language learners struggle with reading? Distinguishing language acquisition from learning disabilities. TESOL Quarterly, 46(2), 422-425.
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  • Kieffer, M. J., & Lesaux, N. K. (2012). Direct and indirect roles of morphological awareness in the English reading comprehension of native English, Spanish, Filipino, and Vietnamese speakers. Language Learning, 62, 1170-1204.
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  • Beglar, D., Hunt, A., & Kite, Y. (2012). The effect of pleasure reading on Japanese university EFL learners' reading rates. Language Learning, 62(S2), 665-703.
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  • Xiang, H. D. (2012). The structural connectivity underpinning language aptitude, working memory, and IQ in the perisylvian language network. Language Learning, 62(S2), 110-130.
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  • Hammond, K., & Danaher, K. (2012). The value of targeted comic book readers. ELT Journal, 66(2), 193-204.
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  • Vakilifard, A., & Armand, F. (2011). The effects of the hierarchical concept maps on the literal and inferential comprehension of informational texts in a second language. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 67(2), 217-245.
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  • Everson, M. E. (2011). Best practices in teaching logographic and non-roman writing systems to L2 learners. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31(0), 249-274.
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  • Schmitt, N., Jiang, X. Y., & Grabe, W. (2011). The percentage of words known in a text and reading comprehension. The Modern Language Journal, 95, 26-43.
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  • Alptekin, C., & Ercetin, G. (2011). Effects of working memory capacity and content familiarity on literal and inferential comprehension in L2 reading. TESOL Quarterly, 45(2), 235-266.
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  • Martinez, R., & Murphy, V. A. (2011). Effect of frequency and idiomaticity on second language reading comprehension. TESOL Quarterly, 45(2), 267-290.
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